Sentra Biosains Dinamika

Jiqing Biomedical - Malaria P.f/P.v Antigen Assay Kit

Kit ini digunakan untuk mendeteksi antigen protein kaya histidin plasmodium falciparum, protein kaya histidin-II, HRP-II, dan antigen Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (LDH dalam darah utuh. Ini adalah tes kualitatif cepat yang cocok untuk uji klinis, populasi skrining dan surveilans epidemi malaria.

Product Introduction

This is used to detect plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein antigen(Histidine-richprotein-II, HRP-II)and plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase antigen (Plasmodiumlactate dehydrogenase, LDH) inwhole blood. This is a rapid qualitative test suitable for clinical tests, population screening, and epidemic surveillance of malaria.

Product characteristics

The negative and positive coincidence rates, repeatability, and minimum detectable amount all conform to the product’s technical requirements.


Jiqing Biomedical


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