Sentra Biosains Dinamika

Berthold - LB 2046 Alfa-Beta Monitor 230V

Catalog No. 52905-10 Category


The Alpha-Beta-measuring station LB 2046 or LB 2046-130 was developed for the simultaneous determination of alpha and beta activities in different measuring samples, e.g. in nuclear or nuclear chemical plants, as wipe tests or as residuals of evaporation. In the same way, general environmental samples or filters from dusting units can be tested for their activity.

The large area ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector with a diameter of 60 mm or 130 mm is best suited for the measurement of alpha- and beta/gamma-radiation and is covered by a light-proof, aluminized hostaphan foil (0.4 mg/cm²).

LB 2046

The touch sensitive graphic display offers an intuitive user interface with simple and fast access to important measuring routines: With the background routine the Alpha and Beta background subtraction is provided and stored for the correction of the measured value. The calibration routine permits the calibration of the detector for different nuclides. With the system test a performance check for the instrument can quickly be achieved.




Weightapprox. 15 kg (LB 2046), approx. 25 kg (LB 2046-130)
External dimensions285 mm x 250 mm x 330 mm (H x W x L)
InterfacesUSB, serial, parallel, Ethernet (optional)
Ambient Conditions
Temperature range–5 to +40 °C
Rel. humidity0 to 90 % (no condensation)
α- in β-channel (241Am)< 50%
β- in α-channel (90Sr)< 2.0 x 10-5
Measuring range
α-channel0 – 5 000 cps
β-channel0 – 50 000 cps

Brochure LB 2046

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